???? https://t.me/+Va_JHg0CbPI1OTJi ???? Check out my program for quick relief from lower back pain and health restoration: Patient story: how one exercise restored quality of life This case will forever remain in my practice. A patient came to me who suffered from severe pain in the lower back and leg for two years. The cause was an operation to remove an intervertebral hernia in the lumbar region using laser vaporization. After the intervention, aseptic inflammation developed, causing spondylodisthesis. The pain was literally ruining his life. When we started working, I gave him just one simple, but correctly selected exercise, safe for his condition. After the first few exercises, something incredible happened. He felt relief, which he had not known for two years. It was like a miracle. His look spoke louder than words - gratitude, relief and hope. This story is an example of how even in difficult cases you can help a patient. A properly selected exercise for the lumbar region, without contraindications, can return a person the joy of movement, freedom and quality of life. ???? Subscribe to the channel and like if the video was useful! ???? Leave comments and share your results. I'm always happy to help! Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/podduevMax?l... Instagram: / painless_on