Theory of evolution, its often misunderstood aspects, some curiosities, and even a computer simulation of the evolution of artificial life! Summary: 00:00 Introduction 01:26 The tree of life 06:51 Clarifications on evolution 11:13 Computer simulation of evolution 15:11 Advanced mechanisms of evolution 20:59 On the evidence for evolution 22:03 Conclusion Thanks to Taupo (Pierre Kerner) and Stephane Debove (Homo Fabulus) for proofreading the script. The many resources of this episode: The tree of life: https://www.evogeneao.com/en On the simulation that the episode describes: • Harnessing evolutionary creativity: e... https://www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/... https://www.researchgate.net/publicat... On the other simulations mentioned: https://virtualcreatures.github.io/ The Vox article on biomass: https://www.vox.com/science-and-healt... On ants and GP9 genes: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/f... Different data: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Groupe_... For the calculation of the A4 sheet for the animal part of the tree of life: I took 1.5 billion generations, which makes 150 million A4 heights (with 10 lines per sheet). That is to say 45,000,000 m or 45,000 km and therefore ~ 3*14,000 km (Earth radius). There is not much sense in wanting to make a precise calculation here because the number of generations is indicated with an imprecision certainly of the order of 50% and the starting point of what we count is very vague and very arbitrary (it is a small part of the tree of life). The goal is to have an order of magnitude. See also: The origin of life: • The origin of life, what do we know in 2... The playlist on evolution from the Stated Clearly channel: • What is the Evidence for Evolution? The evolution of moral behaviors on the homo fabulus chain: • Morality, this weird thing - morality #1 The physics of biological nanomachines: • The physics of biological nanomachines... From DNA to the complete body: • From DNA to the complete body: the morpho... Graphic resources: Zoom out earth: https://www.eso.org/public/videos/Gar... The crab: http://oiseauxetcie.canalblog.com/arc... The turtle: https://reptilescove.com/care/turtles... The porcupine:https://animals.sandiegozoo.org/sites... The leaf gecko: https://mydiscoveries.ru/10-potryasay... The piranha:https://www.jianshu.com/p/b9215da801de The butterfly: https://darwinianas.com/2019/10/29/a-... Find Passe-science on Tipeee, Twitter and Facebook: https://www.tipeee.com/passe-science / thomascabaret84 / passescience.youtube Music: Various Youtube Audio Library (Two of us, Flutey Funk, Deliberate Thought, ask me if I forget any) https://www.musicscreen.org/Royalty-f... https://www.jamendo.com/track/20236/a... Kevin Macleod - Groove Grove and others on youtube audio library (Kerbal space program)