In this video, we talk about Multiple Intelligences (Howard Gardner) and answer questions about this subject! Check out the link below for all the material and courses I have produced to help you achieve the much-desired approval in the public exam: https://profvirginiamarcondes.mailerp... Access the link below to guarantee a study schedule that will help you a lot for the São Paulo City Hall exam: https://sun.eduzz.com/1276829 And, you can also guarantee your spot in my course specially designed for the São Paulo City Hall exam: https://sun.eduzz.com/1235948 Join the groups to guarantee exclusive materials: Group #1: https://chat.whatsapp.com/IKg8L68aWP1... Group #2: https://chat.whatsapp.com/JJhwN4FfMLX... Leave your comment or suggestion for the next classes! Follow me on Instagram @profvirginiamarcondes for more content.