To the book The Wolf of Hope - https://lp.alexgorbachov.co.il/book/?... A premium course in sales at the end of which we will arrange a job for you with a guarantee! - https://alexgorbachov.co.il/lpjob10/?... To Alex's flagship course in sales - https://alexgorbachov.co.il/sp10/?utm... To the flagship Best Seller workshop - https://alexgorbachov.co.il/spbest/?u... To Alex's Instagram - / alex1gorbachov To Alex's website - https://alexgorbachov.com/?utm_source... About Alex: How does a kid with no high school diploma, no military service, no degree, open a huge sales center, train dozens of salespeople and make a turnover of 4 million NIS a year? My name is Alex Gorbachov. My passion is to see you get more sales. Yes, get sales! In recent years, I have trained hundreds of salespeople, businesses, corporations, companies and organizations, and built sales systems that are regularly liquidated, without follow-ups.