Why do we think that every person is valuable? Other cultures are more likely to see people as ants. There was a time when, even in our culture, not all people were seen as valuable. How has the Christian movement contributed to the fact that today we all assume human rights and human dignity? Dr.phil. Christian Bensel studied linguistics and philosophy in Innsbruck and London and wrote his doctorate on "Everyday truth and argumentation. Changes in truth criteria and truth strategies in apologetic texts". With "Begründet Glaubens - Association for Philosophy, Worldview and Christian Faith" he promotes mutual understanding, offers training courses and researches these questions. Since 2010 he has been writing about it on begruendetglauben.at. Literature and further information Christian Bensel, https://www.begruendetglauben.at/cate... David Bentley Hart, Atheist Delusions. The Christian Revolution and Its Fashionable Enemies, Yale University Press, New Haven and London 2009. Timothy Keller, Why God? Rational faith or will-o-the-wisp of humanity? Brunnen: Gießen 2010.