Is the EU sending troops to Ukraine? ⚡️ Poland made a LOUD STATEMENT On the air of the FREEDOM TV channel, co-director of foreign policy and international security programs at the Razumkov Center, Mykhailo Pashkov, spoke about how Poland is preparing for its presidency of the EU and its main priority is security in Ukraine. Become a sponsor of the channel: / @ictv FREEDOM on WhatsApp. SUBSCRIBE! https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029Vatf... ♥ Friends, subscribe to our channel - http://bit.ly/ICTV_SUBSCRIBE ♥ ???? click on the "bell" to receive messages about new videos on the channel ???? watch our live broadcast online - https://youtube.com/live/7KK_x1fZUEU Cool ICTV series - / serialyictv ICTV on Facebook - https: / ictvchannel ICTV ONLINE - http://ictv.ua/ua/index/online News from ICTV - https://ictv.ua/ru/novyny-kanalu/ Instagram ICTV - / ictvua ???? Even more verified news on the website - https://fakty.com.ua/ru/ #ICTV #FREEHOME #europeanunion #nato #poland #war #warinukraine