Have you ever stopped to think that sin can enter our lives in a subtle way, disguised as something harmless? In this video, I invite you to reflect on the importance of recognizing and avoiding the traps that separate us from God. Many times, we ignore small mistakes, believing that they do not have much power over us. But the truth is that sin, when left unchecked, can silently grow until it becomes something devastating, consuming our peace and separating us from everything that is good. Repentance is the key to breaking the chains of sin. It is not just a feeling of guilt, but an essential step of transformation that changes the course of our lives. We need to understand that, while the world offers us temptations and false promises, God calls us to live in freedom and communion with Him. This genuine repentance brings us closer to God and helps us win the daily battles against temptations, bringing us renewal and hope. We live in a society marked by addictions and destructive choices, and many seek to fill the void in ways that only cause more suffering. If you feel like you are trapped by something that seems uncontrollable, know that it is possible to overcome it. You need to take a firm stand, resist evil and seek a deeper relationship with God. He is our source of strength and renewal, capable of transforming our lives. Share this message with someone who also needs this liberation. Today is the day to flee from evil and find true peace in God. -------------- You can also listen to the sermons on the platforms below: • Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/artist/2yXSY... • Deezer - https://www.deezer.com/br/artist/1473... • Napster - https://br.napster.com/artist/deive-l... Technical details: Direction: Nick Miranda (@Nick_miranda) Executive production: Nonstop / Marco Antonio Martins Technical production: Zebra Filmes Audio capture and mixing: Kaléu Runze Keyboard: Andre Fuckner Colorist: Erick Moraes Editing: Thierry Felipe finalization: Nick Miranda Art design / Motion Design: Pedro Merino