Teacher Andrea Belo Link to the material: https://bit.ly/slidesbb ???? I will activate the English that is in your mind ???? Creator of a unique method presented in Europe and the USA ???? +5 thousand students speaking English Linktree: https://bit.ly/andreabelo To have access to more content, tips, suggestions, challenges, class schedule and much more, follow the teacher on social media: Instagram: https://bit.ly/andreabeloinstagram Telegram Channel: https://bit.ly/andreabelotelegram If you have any questions, leave them here in the comments and I will answer them for you! Count on me ;) Enjoy your studies! #ingles #inglesparaobancodobrasil #bancodobrasil #concursobancodobrasil #inglesparaconcursos #auladeingles #concursopublico #aulagratuita