Since January 1, 2025, Transnistria has found itself in the epicenter of an energy crisis due to the cessation of Russian gas transit through Ukraine. Gas supplies from Russia have been stopped, and the region is on the verge of power and heat outages. What is happening in the region and what awaits its residents, as well as what solutions the authorities are proposing - in our video. -------------------------------- How to bypass DW blocking? ???? Via mirror link: https://www.1deutschewelle.de/s-9119 ???? Via our partner app Psiphon (send an empty email to [email protected] - the download link will be sent to you automatically) ???? Via any VPN app ???? Via the DW app in the AppStore (https://apps.apple.com/ru/app/dw/id49...) and GooglePlay (https://play.google.com/store/apps/de...) -------------------------------- More news on our website http://www.dw.com/russian on Facebook / dwrussian Twitter / dw_russian and Telegram https://t.me/dwglavnoe