👩🏽🏫 Enem 2024 Class: https://bit.ly/492q8SD 📑 Salvation Summary: https://bit.ly/492q8SD 🎓 Free Enem Course: https://goo.gl/2rebsa Subscribe to the channel to receive everything about Enem 100% FREE https://bit.ly/37WGBZi /// ABOUT THE VIDEO The Free Enem Course welcomes you to the Enem History Class! 🤗 On October 28th, at 7 pm, professors Felipe Carlos de Oliveira and Mariane Martins conduct a review focused on the ten most frequently asked topics in the last applications of the exam. Let's ace this test? 😉 👩🏽🏫 LIVE QUESTION-ANSWERING 👩🏽🏫 During the premiere of the class here on YouTube, teachers Felipe and Mariane will be LIVE in the chat to interact with you! This is the time to ask all your questions, okay? 🆘 SALVATION SUMMARY 🆘 Remember to download your free e-book with summaries of the most frequently asked questions in Enem in all disciplines: https://bit.ly/492q8SD ⏱ TIMING / SUBJECTS 00:00 Introduction 00:05 General History 00:26 Ancient Greece 01:02 Periods of Ancient Greece 03:15 Cradle of Democracy 03:28 Colon and Cleisthenes 03:51 Citizenship 05:03 Slavery 05:24 Sparta 06:05 Female Figure in Athens and Sparta 06:32 Olympics 07:38 Middle Ages 07:59 High Middle Ages 08:09 Ruralization 08:40 Emergence of Feudalism 10:35 Late Middle Ages 10:51 Crusades 11:16 Commercial and urban renaissance 12:02 Burgos 12:24 Black Death 12:47 Hundred Years' War 13:17 Formation of kingdoms 14:18 Industrial Revolution 14:43 England 15:03 Act of Navigation 15:38 Glorious Revolution 15:58 Bourgeoisie 16:13 Enclosures 16:39 Labor 17:06 Machine-making 17:34 Impacts of the Industrial Revolution 19:16 Phases of the Industrial Revolution 20:22 Cold War 20:48 USA x USSR 21:26 Truman Doctrine 22:48 Korean War 23:17 Germany - Berlin Wall 24:00 Vietnam War 24:46 Missile Crisis 25:44 Space Race 26:34 Fall of the Berlin Wall 27:40 End of the USSR 28:33 Cultural Heritage 29:58 IPHAN 32:01 Material and immaterial heritage 33:12 UNESCO 36:06 History of Brazil 36:10 Colonial economy and society 36:44 Sugar economy 36:51 Export monoculture 37:09 Large estates 37:22 Indigenous and African slavery 37:35 Sugar society 38:46 Characteristics of sugar society 41:07 Mining economy 41:18 Urbanization 41:30 Internal trade 42:04 Mining society 43:32 Abolition Process 44:13 English pressure 44:44 Abolitionist movement 44:50 Abolition narratives 45:28 Abolitionist laws 45:42 Feijó Law 46:05 Bill Aberdeen Law 46:24 Eusébio de Queiroz 46:37 Free Womb Law 47:45 Sexagenarians Law 48:00 Golden Law 48:20 Afonso Arinos Law 48:33 Racial Crime Law 48:47 Abolitionist movement 49:07 Abolitionist Confederation 49:36 Order of Caifazes 49:49 Luís Gama's judicial activism 50:30 Jangadeiros' strike 51:45 First Republic 52:15 Oligarchic Republic 52:31 Coffee-with-milk Republic 52:50 Governors' politics 53:17 Coronelismo 54:01 Social movements 54:07 Canudos and Contestado 54:28 Cangaço 55:03 Vaccine Revolt 55:33 Chibata Revolt 55:55 Strike of 1917 56:50 Tenentismo 57:29 Vargas Era 57:42 Provisional Government 58:38 Constitutionalist Revolution 58:56 Constitution of 1934 59:21 Labor and electoral laws 01:00:05 Constitutional Government 01:00:20 ANL x AIB 01:00:39 LSN and the Communist Intentona 01:01:23 Cohen Plan and the Coup d'état 01:01:58 Estado Novo 01:02:25 DIP - censorship and propaganda 01:03:11 State-owned companies 01:03:40 CLT 01:04:15 World War II 01:04:53 Military Dictatorship 01:05:14 Castelo Branco 01:06:26 Costa e Silva 01:08:34 Médici 01:10:18 Geisel 01:12:07 Figueiredo ❤️ SOCIAL MEDIA INSTA @cursoenemgratuito TWITTER @enemgratuito FACE /cursoenemgratuito/ /// AFTER ALL, WHAT IS THE FREE ENEM COURSE? We are a channel of completely free classes on the topics that most often appear in the Enem and college entrance exams. We were created to democratically share content and information about the Enem, helping you get into the college of your dreams ♥ We also have a website with written classes, questions and a study plan for you to organize yourself! Want to study with us? 🎓 ACCESS OUR 100% FREE COURSE FOR THE ENEM https://goo.gl/2rebsa