Excluding the automatic clutch from the reduction gear (Lifan 168), engine (Champion G210HK). Part 2 After the shaft was cut, I reassembled the gearbox, tried to start the engine and again it did not work. Due to the fact that there was not enough power to turn the crankshaft, I disassemble the gearbox again, I start to look for the cause and I see the cause in the washer that came with the kit. This washer is put on the engine shaft first and with its large diameter it lay on the gearbox housing and clamped the gearbox cover, preventing the crankshaft from rotating. I installed a distance washer made from a plumbing lock nut and reassembled the gearbox. The clutch worked! But I do not need this. I disassemble the gearbox again, I understand that I need to select a gap (increase the distance) between the washer and the clutch assembly. I went to the store and bought a washer with d.vn = 20 mm. When assembling the clutch, I installed the clutch housing, inserted the clutch disc from the D6 engine into it, then the main clutch pack, assembled the gearbox and checked the operation. Everything works great. During disassembly and assembly, I noticed that the mounting bolts were very short and if this continues, I will have to go for a new housing. Therefore, I decided to immediately replace the bolts with studs. Since the studs in the aluminum housing work better than the bolts. I put the studs on a blue thread lock. I installed the housing on the engine using two studs with a thread lock and three bolts also with a blue thread lock.