Hello dear book people, the lovely Carolin from @MariesSalonduLivre tagged me for a very special Either/Or day. I hope you find the questions interesting. 1. Would you rather be a runner in “Maze Runner” or a tribute in “The Hunger Games”? 2. Would you rather fly on a broom or on a hippogriff? 3. Would you rather have the time to read everything you want or the money to buy everything you want to read? 4. Would you rather have your favorite fictional superpower or your favorite fictional technology? 5. Would you rather read a really great story with a disappointing “meh” ending or a disappointing “meh” story with a spectacular ending? 6. What would you prefer? Reading your favorite story again as if it were new or forgetting the most disappointing book completely? 7. Which world would you rather visit: Hogwarts or Middle Earth? 8. What would you prefer? Your favorite character dying or a mega cliffhanger without knowing when the next book will be published? 9. Would you rather be a villain in your favorite book or the hero in a book you hate? Have fun and see you soon Your Dunja I tag @bookfriends4ever @LadyoftheBooks @HenjosBuchleben