In the last episode, Kirchner is dropped off high in the north of the republic. There is a spirit of freedom and self-determination in the air. Exactly his thing! If it weren't for one problem: the car has given up the ghost - a challenge in the country. Watch all 6 episodes in the ARD media library https://1.ard.de/deutschrand In our media library series "DeutschRand - City, Country, Divide?!" we accompany David Julian Kirchner on his 80-day journey from East Frisia to Bavaria. Here David meets farmers, innkeepers and locals and learns about their everyday life and traditions. This documentary from the SWR series DeutschRand has the original title: Ostfriesland - A Touch of Freedom, starts in the media library on June 4, 22, broadcast date on SWR television in July 22:. #swrdoku #swr All statements and facts correspond to the status at the time and have not been updated since then. Watch all 6 episodes in the ARD media library https://1.ard.de/deutschrand More information about David Julian Kirchner / @davidjkirchner https://open.spotify.com/artist/5cNEi... / davidjuliankirchner https://davidjuliankirchner.de / david.kirchner.10 Subscribe to the channel: / swrdoku You can find more documentaries on our channel or in the ARD media library at https://www.ardmediathek.de/swr/swr-d...