Duel with my dad on PS5 ???????? Call of Duty mobile 1v1 with my Dad This time I played a Call of Duty mobile duel with my dad:) Mr. Duty will never become a pro player ???? The distance between you and your joining the family We're just a dec, that's the subscribe button ❤️ social media ???? My page: melikaduti, my sip page: melikaduti2, our custom telegram, our room: melikadutyy My Gmail: [email protected] Duel Kalaf Duty Mobile with Melika Duty Kalaf Duty Kalaf Duty Mobile Duel Kalaf Duty Mobile Duel with my father Callaf Duty Mobile Shotgun Duel Callaf Duty Mobile YouTuber Callaf Duty Mobile Game Callaf Duty Mobile Challenge Call of Duty Mobile with melikaduty 1v1 Call of Duty Mobile