AI podcast special. Is it just a short trend or will it take our jobs in a few years? Is it just a smart calculator or does it think like humans? How does ChatGPT actually work? In which areas will the development of AI be the fastest? And why does he make mistakes? I wanted to elaborate as thoroughly as possible on the topic that has been moving the world for the last few months and to answer all the questions. That's why I invited Tomáš Mikolov - a scientist whose work is the basis of current LLMs, i.e. what most of today's AI tools are based on, and Jan Romportl, who has been dedicated to AI for 20 years as an expert, consultant, entrepreneur and manager. Give 👍🏻 LIKE and subscribe ❤️ SUBSCRIBE so you don't miss out on more episodes! 👉 INFO ABOUT THE EPISODE: https://protiproudu.cz/ai/ 📖 BUY THE BOOK AGAINST THE STREAM https://protiproudu.cz/kniha 📌 WEBSITE AND SOCIAL NETWORKS: https://protiproudu.net/ / proti_produdu_podcast / podcastprotiproudu #ProtiProudu #Podcast