The mirror exercise is the most important tool you should master to heal your twin soul unit. Today I will explain it to you using the example of when your twin soul does not communicate with you. ???? ChoiceforLOVE https://instagram.com/choice_for_love... ???? You can find out more about the twin soul process and the mirror exercise in the book by Jeff & Shaleia, available here ???????????????????????? https://amzn.eu/d/0gBRHxQ ???? You can get a lot of loving support in our Facebook group Twinflamesuniverse - German ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://www.facebook.com/groups/TFUde... #twinflamesuniverse #jeffandshaleia #twinflames #mirrorexercise #spiegelübung #harmonioustwinflameunion #twinflame #dualseele #dualseelen #god #gott #innerpeace #innererfrieden #dualseelenheilung #zwillingsflammen #heilung #innerearbeit