Artesian well drilling with over 18,000 liters per hour Artesian well with over 18,000 liters of water per hour, well was drilled in the community of Serrotinho, rural area of Curaçá Bahia. The company that carried out the drilling was Água Viva, partner of the Nordeste Vídeos channel. Thank God another artesian well was successfully drilled. We can only thank God for the gift! Artesian well is the popular name for a deep tubular well, which is an important instrument for capturing groundwater. An artesian well offers a series of benefits for condominiums, companies, industries, stores, hotels, shopping malls, hospitals, farms and residences. Having a well-structured project is crucial to guarantee a high-performance well. To this end, Boituhidro performs geological, water and geophysical analyses and studies before the artesian well drilling process. Through this research, it is possible to discover the needs of your project, ensuring safety and speed. This way you get a low price per meter of drilling for an excellent performing artesian well #pocoartesiano #rogeriooliveira #poçojorrante #nordestevideos #agriculture #nordeste #poçoartesiano #perfuraçaodepoçoartesiano #borewelldrillingindia #borewelldrillingvideo #borewell #borewellmachine #borewelldrilling