Things are really getting heated in the apartment in Dubai! 💥 Carmen and Robert Geiss are almost at each other's throats... 🤬 because of a price tag?! 🤔 Even at breakfast the mood continues to sour. 😵 Davina and Shania Geiss' domestic qualities really leave a lot to be desired. 😬 Mama Carmen has finally had enough! 😤 Now it's time to talk straight... 😱 Loud, glamorous and on RTLZWEI for over 10 years now: cult millionaires Carmen and Robert Geiss provide an insight into their lives, between luxurious everyday life and exclusive events. The Geissens are at home in every hotspot in the world. Their life: exclusive! Their hobbies: expensive! RTLZWEI has been accompanying Carmen and "Rooobert" on their luxury trips since 2011 and documenting the loud everyday life of probably the most popular millionaire family on German TV. #388 To the website: https://www.rtl2.de/sendungen/die-gei... Complete episodes on RTL+: https://plus.rtl.de/video-tv/shows/di... Facebook: / diegeissens Instagram: / rtlzwei TikTok: / rtlzwei