Dr. Soisson is a neurologist and comes to talk to us about the fatigue that MS patients experience. Fatigue is the most common symptom of the disease, and also the most invisible to those close to the patient. The content of the remarks is the sole responsibility of the speakers. Is fatigue psychological or physical? Is it a real handicap? Does it interfere with daily life? What can be done? How can it be explained? On the occasion of the conference Tout comprendre sur la sep edition 2 - Fatigue and Multiple Sclerosis - Organization and communication MariesoiStudio - filmed by Ludovic Chappa for Mariesoi Studio #reconfortsep http://mariesoi.fr/, http://reconfortsep.com/. Partners Novartis, Lvl médical: https://www.lvlmedical.com, #mariesoistudio #conference