00:00 Dr. Mizushima: A woman's daisan is a woman 01:17 Why do women become jinns? 04:22 Is your level of femininity high or low? 06:19 Women don't like slimy women 08:00 Women are cliques and strict principles 10:52 A compliment between women is half surveillance 13:27 Why do you hate a good person and smear poo on his face? 14:42 A woman's hollow heart and words stronger than "love" 18:13 A woman doesn't say what she wants, she waits to be noticed 20:30 Way out of difficulty #1 22:56 Way out of difficulty #2 24 :06 Way out of difficulty #3 24:40 Way out of difficulty #4 25:16 Way out of difficulty #5 25:47 Conclusion 水島広子(著) 女子の人間电视 Hiroko Mizushima Women's Relationship 2014/4/10 Hiroko Mizushima is a psychiatrist, MD (psychiatry and neuroscience) and director of the “Hiroko Mizushima” Mental Health Clinic. Representative of Attitudinal Healing Japan (AHJ) and Director of Interpersonal Therapy Clinic. #zohiol sonsoh #shileg nom #nomiin san