Here we are, finally, at the SU-152, or simply crackers, as I call them. According to the classics, the tanks in stock have the MOST IMB cannon. Just a high-explosive cannon, so you don't have to think too much. Load the high-explosive and give the enemy a blow to the eye. Let's blow up the enemy's butt once again. My top platoon Vorvard - / @worvard For questions about cooperation, channel PR, advertising in the community - [email protected] 📷 INSTAGRAM (I answer in direct) - / pm1nd 📢 VK group (join) - https://vk.com/pm1nd Telegram PM1ND - https://t.me/pm1nd 👉 VK page (add as a friend) - https://vk.com/id10179989 👉 Discord - / discord #су152 #wotblitz #wotblitz #wot #WorldOfTanksBlitz #WorldOfTanks #PM1ND