Dominika Sakmárová is a sinologist, author and blogger who we have become fond of on the internet thanks to her interesting observations about life in China and later in South Korea. In addition to such world experiences, she is also known for her warm relationship with Slovakia, especially Spiš, from where she comes. Not only about food on a varied route Spišské podhradie, Prague, China, South Korea and back, she traveled to Bratislava to talk to us on Podgast. Podgast in podcast apps: https://link.chtbl.com/PODGAST Podgast is a podcast that comes out every Wednesday and is created for Refresher by food blogger Čoje. She invites interesting guests to join her, with whom she engages in conversation without any outline or rules. They start about food and end with whatever they feel like. Subscribe to Podgast on the platform where you listen to podcasts and music. You won't miss any episode with great guests, not only from the field of gastronomy. What: / cojebratislava Dominika: / dominika.sakmarova All podcasts on the Refresher website: https://refresher.sk/podcasty #refresher #podgast #podcast