The information, comments and recommendations on Selçuk Geçer Youtube Channel are definitely not within the scope of investment consultancy. Investment consultancy service is provided within the framework of the investment consultancy agreement to be signed between brokerage firms, portfolio management companies, banks that do not accept deposits and the customer. The comments here consist of analyses based on Selçuk Geçer's personal opinions. These opinions may not be suitable for your financial situation and risk and return preferences. For this reason, making an investment decision based solely on the information here may not produce results that are in line with your expectations. The information here is completely based on comments and is never definitive. Selçuk Geçer accepts no responsibility for the losses that may arise from the decisions and commercial transactions of people who make investments based on the comments here. The opinions and thoughts here are not binding in any way. Although there are different opinions about dollar comments, dollar gold comments point to a single point. Everyone is trying to find an answer to the question of why the dollar is rising. Although former Treasury Minister Albayrak asks if you are getting paid in dollars, has the dollar run out for the citizen? Of course not. We hear questions like what will happen to the dollar, will the dollar fall or what will happen to the dollar every step of the way. In other words, dollar breaking news is followed very closely. The most surprising issue is how the dollar will fall. The other investment tool that is most wondered about after the dollar is of course gold. That's why many economists give importance to gold comments. gold is also important for Selçuk Geçir and is followed closely. Every day, gold comments are made by economist Selçuk Geçir in every video.