00:00:00 Intro 00:01:35 Docker Basics. 00:19:30 Installing Docker on Linux and Windows. 00:25:40 Basic Commands. 00:54:55 Port Management: Port Mapping. 01:08:55 Variables in Docker: Environment Variables. 01:20:20 Persistent Data: Docker Volumes. 01:48:41 Networks in Docker. Network. 02:30:11 Creating Your Own Containers. Dockerfile. 03:40:59 Docker Compose. Usage. 04:32:28 Portainer – Web UI for Docker Management. Docker. Everything You Need to Know. From 0 to 100% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I would be very grateful for support in the form of a cup ☕️: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/RomNero ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For suggestions, write to: [email protected] Matrix: @romnero:matrix.romnero.de ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Docker is a software for automating the deployment and management of applications in environments with containerization support, an application containerizer. Allows you to "package" an application with all its environment[en] and dependencies into a container that can be deployed on any Linux system with kernel cgroup support, and provides a set of commands for managing these containers. ©Wikipedia