Mine are here, and what knives do you have? With history, with charisma and most importantly with a blade NO MORE THAN 5 centimeters? Don't forget to watch the videos that will appear at the end of this video. -------------------- knives from the video that you can buy on Brutalica - Shuffle - https://brutalica.ru/nozhi/kershaw/sh... Kiridashi - https://brutalica.ru/nc-custom-kirida... Tsinder - https://brutalica.ru/nozhi/kershaw/ci... Taff is coming soon - https://brutalica.ru/nozhi/cold-steel/ ---------- On the pocket traditionally - https://brutalica.ru/knives/tsarap/ ------------- video about the plane - READ THE DESCRIPTION OF THE VIDEO • I fly as I want - a knife on board an airplane knife from the flight - https://brutalica.ru/nozhi/sanrenmu/s... video about Tsinder • KERSHAW CINDER - VideoKnifie