I don't know which routes my friends use to travel along Ruta 40, but it seems strange to me that many complain about the 70 Malditos, and don't complain about the 85 Malditos near Margüe, which in my opinion is much more tiring and prone to falls. Take a look and tell me, which section worries you the most? -------------------------------------//------------------------------------- Link not recommended for sensitive people: https://bit.ly/2TpSjG3 -------------------------------------//------------------------------------- Support Our Partners: GIVI – www.givi.com.br EVERYTHING FOR MOTORCYCLES - www.tudoparamoto.com.br COUPON: GUGADIAS10 BARATA PNEUS - www.baratapneus.com.br COUPON: GUGADIAS NOMAD CARD - https://bit.ly/4aSyvQJ - link with COUPON: GUGADIAS -------------------------------------//------------------------------------- /// BECOME A SUPPORTER / MEMBER OF THE CHANNEL /// -- Consider being our supporter, join the Members Club: / @gugadiasnaestrada -- Become a Sponsor of our Series through APOIA.SE GugaFLIX: https://bit.ly/3mZ3pi8 -------------------------------------//------------------------------------- /// WANT TO TRAVEL BY MOTORCYCLE? USE MY ITINERARIES /// -- Motorcycle Travel Planning Destination: Ushuaia Access now https://bit.ly/3ZSMi46 -- Motorcycle Travel Planning Destination: Serras & Rastros Access now https://bit.ly/3AmjfKb -- Motorcycle Travel Planning Destination: Atacama Desert Access now https://bit.ly/43h6krL -------------------------------------//------------------------------------- /// DO YOU LIKE HARD TIME? ONLY WHAT WENT WRONG ON MY TRAVELS /// -- E-BOOK TaqueoPariu - The other side of motorcycle travel Only digital version with 2 new stories and unpublished photos: https://bit.ly/3s2vpo9 -------------------------------------//------------------------------------- Follow our adventures on Instagram: @gugadiasnaestrada -------------------------------------//------------------------------------- #voltaaomundodemoto #GIVI #TUDOPARAMOTO #BARATAPNEUS #CARTÃONOMAD #GugaDias #DIÁRIOdeMOTOCICLCETA