This is the Second Part, Hub and Crown Change! In this video, I show how to remove and replace wheel bearings in a simple way and with basic tools, the old-fashioned way! But there are correct tools for this. I also show that it is possible for a woman to do such services, showing that many men wonder if they will be able to do certain jobs on their motorcycles....... here is the answer....yes! Guys! As you all know, I am a content creator on Youtube! I have a new project to which I will professionalize the BIKERS SEM FRONTEIRAS Channel. I ask everyone who is subscribed to the Channel to become Supporters! Go to the APOIA website, register and Support the BIKERS SEM FRONTEIRAS Channel. It will be of great value to me and to you! If the Channel is Useful, of course! Support can be up to 1.00 (REAL) a low value but of Great Help! I count on your support! I will try to make at least 2 videos a week, and gradually increase the number. The videos will be about Tips as usual, places to travel, tips on travel procedures and everything related to Motorcycling! Supporters will participate in the final credits as collaborators and will be able to interact with opinions in the following videos. Over time we will have giveaways and much more! https://apoia.se/httpsyoutubetnmbxgo1psu BIKERS SEM FRONTEIRAS Support: BIKERS SEM FRONTEIRAS, I'm Cabelo Sanchez from BIKERS SEM FRONTEIRAS. I need your support for new and important content - Together we are stronger!