Label and copyright: FTV & Djordje Balasevic Official site: https://www.balasevic.com/ Shop: https://www.balbelo.com Facebook: / djordjebalasevicofficialpage Instagram: / djordje_balasevic_official Deezer: https://www.deezer. com/hr/artist/573109 Apple Music: / %c4%91or%c4%91e-bala%c5%a1evi%c4%87 Google play: https://play.google.com/store/search?... Twitter Balbelo: / balbelostudio Any copying of video and/or audio recordings and uploading to other channels is prohibited! Band: Guitar: Dušan Duda Bezuha Bass: Dragan Ivanović Drums: Petar Radmilović Piano: Aleksandar Dujin Saxophone & Clarinet: Gabor Bunford Synthesizers: Đorđe Petrović Violin: Ignac Schon Music By: Djordje Balasevic Lyrics By: Djordje Balasevic Arranged By: Djordje Balasevic Posted By : Frane Kujundzic