Hello everyone! While VW T3 pickup and VW LT are waiting for their turn in our garage, in this video we continue to build a DIY motorhome based on the VW T3, which you may have already seen in travels on the Dreamers channel @UltraMTQ. Today we are attaching instructions for installing a lifting roof, we tried to share our experience with you in as much detail as possible in this video. Where we made the roof: @Mastershify1 (telegram) Alternative channel: / @ultramtq Bus on Instagram: bus_bus_sound Help the project: Sberbank: 2202 2063 7226 8032 USDT: UECWqTNoKS7ykhF3oF78KUWUeuDsmoF9j (TRC20) BTC: 14AKwtQ6VDQxLKn4MKWvQWqkYzZtA1Wc9F