Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Wheels - is an American superhero film released in 2021 based on the Marvels character Shang-Chi. The work is directed by Destin Daniel Cretton, with the participation of actors Simu Liu, Awkwafina, Meng'er Zhang, Fala Chen, Florian Munteanu and Benedict Wong. The film revolves around the character Shaun (Shang-chi played by Simu Liu), who is a guy who pretends to be poor to experience life as a lowly parking attendant, his companion is Katy (Awkwafina). The familiar motif of the hero is a sad past like many other superheroes, his mother died when he was a child and is a mysterious martial artist from another dimension. What's worse is that his father, played by Tony Leung, is an emperor who can control 10 magical rings used for combat and leads his ninja army to rule the world. With such a humble and unmentionable resume, Shaun is quickly dragged back home after a period of struggling to keep up with his friends outside of society. But when he returns, he has to face the painful past that has haunted him for a long time. The plot of Shang-Chi is considered quite simple with the path to becoming a superhero in Marvel's works. The background personality of the character Shaun at the present time has not been deeply explored before his past is revealed, which makes it impossible for people to recognize the difference between Shaun then and now. #reviewmovie #tomtatphim #netflix #maxfilm #shangchi #marvel #simuliu #luongtrieuvy