THE SPIRITUAL BATTLE - What are angels and what are their celestial classes? In Judaism there is extensive knowledge about the types of angels and how they act in every spiritual battle faced by us human beings. __________ LINKS:______________________________ ESSENTIAL KABALAH COURSE: https://emunahmodelo.my.canva.site/ka... MAKE YOUR OFFER NOW ⬇ PIX (CNPJ) 43.870.311/0001-14 PIX BRADESCO: Cell 11 917600104 Caixa Econômica Federal Bank: 104 Branch: 1891 Account: 968-0 Name: EMUNAH SHLEMAH SYNAGOGUE CNPJ: 43.870.311/0001-14 Want to learn more? Become a disciple: WhatsApp: +55 (11) 91760-0104 EDEN ARTICLES: https://www.artigoseden.com PARDES Magazine: WhatsApp: +55 11 95246-3111 Instagram: revistapardes