Disruption is a break or discontinuation of an already established process. Something is said to be disruptive when it interrupts, suspends or departs from normal functioning. Thus, the adjective can be used to describe a defect, a behavior, an idea, etc. Read the full article: https://motor1.uol.com.br/news/721413... ????Be a member of this channel: / @chicosepulveda ????Follow me on Instagram: / chicosepulveda ????Subscribe to my secondary channel: / sepulvedaverso ????Collaborate with PIX and support me: [email protected] ????Give me your support: https://apoia.se/chicosepulveda ????Make a donation in Bitcoin or Ethereum: BTC: bc1ql5esj3ctne5gv9mqg54j4gsns280fpu3jfxqjm ETH: 8dc1D7f7 4c1CB2AA2e02089EA5f5fd168bc3 ????Contact : [email protected] ???? Make your account for free at these digital banks: Mercado Pago: http://mpago.li/2suKn9Y Banco Inter: https://www.bancointer.com.br/convite... Use the referral code: 5137083A Nubank: https://bit.ly/3aEoKco ********************************** ********************************** SPONSORS: BNP Seguros - We are specialists in MOTORCYCLE AND CAR INSURANCE ????RS Offices /BA ????We serve the whole country ???? SPECIAL DISCOUNT FOR CHANNEL SUBSCRIBERS ????RS: Renan (54) 9995 50342 https://wa.me/message/BQU46DJSRVB2I1 ????www.bnpfuturo.com.br [email protected] KM Moto Shop - Accessories for the motorcyclist ????https://kmmotoshopbahia.com.br ????We ship all over Brazil ????Whatsapp: (71) 99140-0002 / 99251-4020 ????Phone: (71) 3052-9799 ????KM Salvador - Av . Vasco da Gama, 4615 ????taplink.cc/kmmotoshop RL Motos - Multi-brand mechanical workshop ????(71) 3168-4402 ????(71) 99949-4564 (WhatsApp - Daniel) ????Instagram: @rl.motos [email protected] ???? Rua São Cristóvão, 186, Itinga, Lauro de Freitas-BA. 42700-000 ????Map: https://goo.gl/maps/J8Kg38qWofp Mega Motos - Concessionária Dafra, Shineray and CF Moto ????Shipping all over Brazil ????www.megamotosba.com.br ???? DISCOUNT COUPON: chicosepulveda ????Calls and WhatsApp : (71) 3378-5509 ???? / megamotosba ???? Sign up to guarantee a discount on your motorcycle: https://bit.ly/megamotoschicosepulveda GV Seats Customized seats and comfort covers for all motorcycle models ????We ship all over Brazil ???? Whatsapp: (81) 99906-7143 ????Whatsapp: (81) 999067188 ????https://linktr.ee/gvbancos ????Instagram: @gvbancos Shineray do Brasil ????Technology, economy and quality ????Motorcycles produced in Brazil ????www.shineray com. .br ????Instagram: @shineraydobrasil Guimarães Motorcycles - Suzuki, Haojue, Zontes and Kymco Dealership ????Whatsapp: (71) 99239-0553 ????Phone: (71) 3357-5000 ????Address: Av. Gen. Graça Lessa, 115 - Acupe de Brotas, Salvador - BA, 40290-110 ????Map: https://goo.gl/cMBPBG Motorcycle Leader - Suzuki Dealership, Haojue, Zontes and Kymco ????Whatsapp: (71) 99381-0146 ????Telephone : (71) 3103-2000 ???? [email protected] ????Av. Jequitaia, 2382 - Água de Meninos, Salvador - BA, 40460-120 ????Map: https://maps.app.goo.gl/o26t3XKBw3tDz... João Wanderley Cone Contabilidade & Negócios Accounting and Consulting in Finance and Business ????We serve all of Brazil ????WhatsApp: (81) 9240-9000 ???? www.instagram.com/joaowanderley.contador ???? https://www.conecontabilidade.com.br Tuio Car Detail - Automotive aesthetics - We take care of your car as if it were our own! ????Rua Angelo Dourado 118, Anchieta, Porto Alegre-RS ????????Calls and WhatsApp: (51) 97400-2121 / tuiocardetail ************************ ******************************************** ????[-Telegram Group- ] ????https://t.me/sepulvedamotobrasil ????https://t.me/sepulvedaautos ????[-WhatsApp Group-] ????Sepulveda AUTOS: https://bit.ly/3mj2cDf ????GROUP 4: https://bit .ly/3hx3w4b ????GROUP 3: https://bit.ly/2SZktKJ ????GROUP 2: https://bit.ly/3yg7vIm ????GROUP 1: https://bit.ly/3bsSiKb ????[Mobilidade Elétrica Brasil⚡] ????https://t.me/mobilidadeeletricabrasil **************************************** **************************** #mottu #sport110i #moto #chicosepulveda #automotivo