In this video we are going to talk about the difference between SO and SUCH • The difference between SO and SUCH. English d... SO 01:04 so 01:14 so tasty 01:22 so strong 01:29 so strange 01:40 This film is so interesting! 01:48 You are so beautiful! SUCH 01:58 such 02:09 This is such an interesting film! 02:22 Such a big flat! 02:27 Such a tasty cake! 02:39 Such a film! 02:43 I have met such a person! 03:00 a / an 03:08 Such a bright pen! 03:20 Such a big flat! - Such a big apartment! Repeat 03:40 This film is so interesting! - This film is so interesting! 03:46 This is such an interesting film! - This is such an interesting film! 03:56 This day is so warm. - This day is so warm. 04:01 Today is such a warm day! - Today is such a warm day! 04:17 many / much / few / little 04:27 many friends - many friends 04:29 many dresses - many dresses 04:35 much coffee - much coffee 04:36 much sugar - much sugar 04:40 I have so many friends! - I have so many friends! 04:59 I have (got) so many dresses! - I have so many dresses! 05:06 I love you so much! - I love you so much! 05:10 I have so much sugar. - I have so much sugar. 05:18 He has so much money! - He has so much money! 05:36 I have so few friends. 05:40 I have so few dresses! 05:44 I have so little sugar. We can't bake a cake. 05:55 I have so little money. I can't go to the restaurant. Review 06:10 so beautiful / tasty / strong / strange 06:21 such an interesting film 06:23 I have watched such an interesting film! 06:32 so many (much) / so few (little) - так много / так беду ♥I'm on social media: Vkontakte: https://vk.com/polinachervova FaceBook: / englishwithpolina GooglePlus: http://goo.gl/AYVvf4 Instagram: englishchervova ♥Hash tag: #english_with_polina_chervova My English marathon: https://willspeak.ru/marathon/ Open lessons: https://willspeak.ru/open-lessons/ Free materials: https://willspeak.ru/free/ ♥Subscribe to the channel: / @английскийдляначинушскихспольно ♥Share this video: • The difference between SO and SUCH. English d...