Busan, Ulsan, Daegu dialects! They seem similar but they are all different! A conversation between four students from Dongguk University's Department of Advertising and Public Relations But I, a Seoul native, still don't understand #dialect #Dongguk Univ. #Department of Advertising and Public Relations #Advertising and Public Relations #Dongguk Kwang Hong #Kwang Hong #Advertising #Hong Kwang #Kwang Ttari #College Student #Senior Who Doesn't Feel Like a Senior #Class of 19 #Class of 20 #Freshman #Veteran #Busan #Ulsan #Daegu #Seoul ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks to, Mark DiAngelo From: http://soundbible.com/2067-Blop.html Thanks to, Mike Koenig From: http://soundbible.com/419-Tiny-Button... From: http://soundbible.com/1601-Mario-Jump... From: http://soundbible.com/474-Magic-Wand-... From: http://soundbible.com/1003-Ta-Da.html From: http://soundbible.com/995-Jab.html Attribution 3.0 Made by DWOBoyle https://freesound.org/people/DWOBoyle... Attribution 3.0 Made by dersuperanton https://freesound.org/people/dersuper... Distributor: Copyright-free YouTube music & free sound effect service 'Mewpot' https://www.mewpot.com