"Who is the dumbest among us?" This time, Smash players will take on the hugely popular "Idiot Showdown" project! We've gathered a luxurious cast just to decide who is the dumbest Smash player! Who will become the first Idiot Champion?! You won't be able to take your eyes off the screen to see what unusual answers they'll come up with! The MC will be Omnaoto, a familiar face in live commentary, and in the instructor slot will be Shogun, the intellectual of the Smash Bros. world, and keep, the "Hako Private Bakaketsu Elementary School Honor Student," who will participate as the model answerer! A total of 10 luxurious members will be presenting the show! ■Idiot Championship Overview ・Questions will be from elementary to junior high school level Japanese, math, English, science, social studies, and general knowledge ・100 points full ■Cast ・MC Omnaoto / omnaoto ・Instructor Shogun / shogun_snake ・Hakoo Private Bakaketsu Elementary School, honor student kept / faintkept ■Respondents Zackray / ssb4_zackray Shuton / syu_tolimar Tea / chibit2169 Atelier / ateliersb_ Paseriman / paseriman98 HIKARU / hikaru_ssbu Gorioka / ssbu_gorioka ■Hakooshi Official X / dfm_hakooshi Sponsors/ ■Miwa Ready Mixed Concrete YouTube Channel (Main) / @Miwa Ready Mixed Concrete Co., Ltd. YouTube Channel (Sub-e-Sports) / @miwae-sports-mu2rs ■Meiji Chocolate Effect https://www.meiji.co.jp/sweets/chocol... ■Samurai Energy https://samurai-energy.com/ ▶ Follow DFM Twitter) / team_detonation Instagram) / detonation_focusme Web)https://team-detonation.net/ ▶ DFM STORE https://store.team-detonation.net/ ▶ DFM PARK https://team-detonation.net/dfmpark #DetonatioNFocusMe #DFM