MUSLIMA SOLIHA - ⛔ All types of copying from this channel are prohibited. It is not allowed to repost our videos on YouTube, Telegram, Instagram and other similar networks! Dear members of our channel, there is no objection to you liking the videos and sending them to your friends on Telegram, Instagram and other social networks. Qaza prayers About Qaza prayers Question: I heard that the adhan is also said before performing qaza prayers. If the prayers of the day have been missed, is a separate adhan said for each prayer when performing them? Answer: In qaza prayers, the adhan and iqamah are said just like in regular prayers. If a person who has more than one qaza prayer to perform at the same time wants to perform them, he should perform the adhan for the first prayer and perform the rest with iqamah. This rule is the same for those who perform it alone or in congregation. Our Prophet (peace be upon him) and his companions were unable to pray four consecutive prayers – Zuhr, Asr, Maghrib and Isha – during the Battle of Uhud. At that time, the verses about the prayer of fear had not yet been revealed. Then Hazrat Bilal (may Allah be pleased with him) called out the Adhan, and during the leadership of the Prophet (peace be upon him), they led Zuhr, Asr, Maghrib and Isha prayers with separate Iqamahs for each. Our scholars have derived from this incident the ruling that more than one Qada prayer should be performed with one Adhan and separate Iqamahs (“Raddul Mukhtar”). Question: What is the procedure and timing for performing Qada prayers of fifteen to twenty years? Answer: A prayer that was not performed on time is only absolved from obligation by making up its Qada. There is no need to follow a specific order when making up missed prayers for many years, but even then it is recommended to follow the order (i.e., first praying Fajr, then Zuhr, then Asr) (“Fatawa’i Hindiyya”). The missed prayers are made up in the same way. That is, a missed prayer during a journey can be shortened even in the hazar. A person who wants to make up a missed prayer during a journey can make up the missed prayer in full. Qada prayers can be made up at any time of the day. There are three exceptions. They are: at sunrise, when the sun rises (stands still) and when the sun sets. Qada prayers cannot be made up at these three times (“Bahrur Ra’iq”). Question: Is it permissible to make up three or four days’ worth of missed prayers at once? Answer: It is permissible to make up three or four days’ worth of missed prayers at one time, as long as one is able to do so, except during times that are makrooh. Question: I have heard that it is better to recite longer verses in some prayers and shorter verses in others. Please elaborate on this. Answer: It is fard to recite in the first two rak’ahs of obligatory prayers and in all rak’ahs of other prayers, and the minimum amount of recitation is one long verse or three short verses. The sunnah amount of recitation is to recite any surah after the Fatiha while traveling, when time is tight, and after Surah Al-Fatiha. In the morning prayer, it is sunnah to recite forty or fifty verses in two rak’ahs after the Fatiha. It is sunnah to recite the same amount in the afternoon prayer (fard) (“Jami’us Saghir”). The sunnah amount of recitation in the afternoon and evening prayers is twenty verses, excluding the Fatiha. In the evening prayer, it is sunnah to recite one short surah after the Fatiha in both rak’ahs (“Muhiyt”). In the muqim, long surahs are recited in the fards of the morning and noon prayers (“Wiqaya”). Long surahs are those from Hujurat to Buruj. Surahs of medium length are recited in the Asr and Isha prayers. This type includes surahs from Buruj to Bayyinah. Short surahs are recited in the Maghrib prayer. Surahs from Bayyinah to the end of the Quran are considered short surahs (“Wiqoya”, “Muhiyt”). Question: Is it necessary to follow the order of surahs in Sunnah prayers as well? Answer: It is makruh to recite a surah or verse that is higher than the one recited in the first rak’ah in the second rak’ah of Fard prayers. However, it is not makruh in Sunnah prayers (“Muhiyt”). Question: Is it permissible to enter the toilet with a turban? Answer: Since prayer is performed with a turban and it is the crown of the believer, it is makruh to enter impure places, including the toilet, with it (“Fatawa’i Hindiyya”). Source: Muslim.uz ______________________ ________________________