Thank you for watching! Please tell us your thoughts and reviews on the products in the comments section! This time, we will introduce the perfume topic! This channel is specialized in introducing products from the Girls Channel! Please subscribe to the channel and give it a high rating! [Girls Channel] https://girlschannel.net/ [Materials used] Irasutoya → https://www.irasutoya.com video AC → https://video-ac.com/ photoAC → https://www.photo-ac.com/ Sound Effect Lab → https://soundeffect-lab.info/ DOVA-SYNDROME → https://dova-s.jp VOICEVOX → https://voicevox.hiroshiba.jp/ Illustration AC → https://www.ac-illust.com/ *Free materials are used and may be used on other channels, but they are not reused. It is created as completely original content. *Although it is based on a topic, it is created with consideration for ease of viewing, listening, and flow, and is made to be a unique original content. #Girls Channel #Galchan #2ch #5ch #Perfume