Click on https://1.ard.de/Gesund for the best ARD videos on health, medicine, sex, psychology, nutrition, losing weight and all medical programs. Ole A. is tormented by listlessness, anxiety, joylessness and negative thoughts. Can he improve his depression via the brain-gut axis? Nutrition has an influence on our mood. 00:00 - Diagnosis of depression 00:55 - On the practice boat 01:30 - Twelve years with depression 02:05 - Strain on relationships 02:25 - Tablets for support 03:00 - Belly fat is crucial 04:10 - Eating out of frustration 04:50 - Nutrition protocol 07:45 - Behavioral training 09:35 - Change begins 11:45 - Intermittent fasting 12:30 - Conclusion 14:00 - Depression in focus More information on the topic of depression: https://www.ndr.de/depression254.html Recipes: https://www.ndr.de/ratgeber/kochen/re... Credit: NDR/Claudia Timmann/Colourbox #Ernährungsdocs #Depression #Darm