Drinks that don't require sales tax! Did you know that you could be paying more tax than you should? In this video, I address a topic that is not well-known among bar and restaurant owners: ICMS. Watch the video and see how to reduce this tax in your business. I can help you reduce your taxes and make more profit on the sale of your products. One of the biggest nightmares for entrepreneurs is definitely taxes. In today's video, we'll talk a little about taxes for restaurants and how to pay less. ------------------------------------------ More Information: https://bit.ly/ContatoOsvaldoRabelo ------------------------------------------ Follow us on Instagram: / osvaldorabeloq ---------------------------------------- Follow us on Facebook: / osvaldorabeloq ---------------------------------------- Visit the Website: https://www.osvaldorabelo.com.br/ ---------------------------------------- #osvaldorabelo #lawyer #advocacy #taxlaw #taxconsulting #taxreview #liabilitymanagement #taxliabilitymanagement #governance #taxgovernance #planning #taxplanning #brasilia #federaldistrict #gdf #metropolises #youtubevideo #contactus #doyourplanning #requestyourbudget