In this lesson, we will explain the decimal metric system and how to perform the necessary transformations when necessary. Want to know more about the topic? Brasil Escola International System of Units - http://brasilescola.com/fisica/sistem... Units of measurement - http://brasilescola.com/quimica/unida... Dimensional Analysis - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/fisic... Mathematics - https//brasilescola.com/matematica/ Mundo Educação International System of Units - http://mundoeducacao.com/fisica/siste... Units of measurement - http://mundoeducacao.com/fisica/unida... Units of Length Measurement - http://mundoeducacao.com/matematica/u... Mathematics - http://mundoeducacao.com/matematica Alunos Online International System of Units - http://alunosonline.com.br/fisica/sis... Units of measurement - http://alunosonline.com.br/fisica/uni... Mathematics - http://alunosonline.com.br/matematica Escola Kids Units of measurement - http://escolakids.com/matematica/unid... Mathematics - http://escolakids.com/matematica/ Follow us: Brasil Escola: http://www.brasilescola.com/ Facebook: / brasilescola Instagram: / brasilescolaoficial #Enem #BrasilEscola #Matemática