#VietnamTravel #Ha Giang Tour #Sapa #hagiangloop - Recommended cheap Danang accommodation: Adina Hotel (Google Map https://goo.gl/maps/2vXkgSVE6BSc44mp8 ) (This accommodation provides breakfast and is more practical than the 3,000 won ones you can buy outside. The taste is a matter of personal preference.) - Accommodation reservation (app): Booking.com, Agoda, Airbnb - Flight reservation (app): My Real Trip - Motorcycle rental: QUANG NGA - MOTORBIKES RENTAL DA NANG, Motorcycle rental, Cho Thuê Xe Máy https://goo.gl/maps/GCkj7WaScXorwE3P8 M1 MacBook Air 13: [https://coupa.ng/caJQxD] M1 MacBook Pro 14: [https://coupa.ng/cbFzLr] iPhone 13: [https://coupa.ng/cbFznN] iPad Air 4th generation: [https://coupa.ng/caJQY4] Apple Pencil 2nd generation: [https://coupa.ng/caJQ3k] Mavic Air 2s Combo: [https://coupa.ng/caJSyp] (This post is part of the Coupang Partners activity, and a certain amount of commission is provided accordingly) BGM: Artlist https://artlist.io/young-2438864 (If you subscribe to Artlist through the link above, both I and the subscriber will receive an additional 2 months for free)