Eid day 2 Al Ghazali, El Rumi and Dul Jaelani, time to gather with the family of Bunda Maia Estianty and Daddy Irwan Mussry!! After being satisfied with the delicious meal.. There's also something exciting!! THR sharing games!! Who do you think will get the most THR?? Tissa Biani said she won a lot.. What about the nephews?? Did you win a lot too?? Let's watch the full version here.. #MaiaEstianty #IrwanMussry #Alghazali #Elrumi #Duljaelani #TissaBiani #Lebaran #Silaturahmi #THR #ShareTHR #FamilyGathering #Games #Fun #FunGames #DeliciousEating #Buffet #eating ALELDUL and Bunda Maia family channel. Continue to support the MAIA ALELDUL TV channel by subscribing, clicking like, and giving comments, and sharing each video with your friends or beloved family. We are always waiting for your suggestions and input ideas. For ENDORSEMENT: CP ADEL: +62811122128