PLURAL In English we usually add S or ES or IES to the end of a verb to make it plural. The question is which one to use? Basically in English we add S to the end of the verb boat boats house houses cat cats river rivers Boy Boys Girl Girls Table Tables Plate Plates If a noun ends in -Y in English we remove that Y and add IES For example: City - Cities Puppy - Puppies Baby - Babies Penny - Pennies If a noun ends in ‑s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -x, or -z in English we add ES bus buses wish wishes pitch pitches box boxes lunch lunches In English we have irregular nouns and they have their own plural forms woman women man men child children tooth teeth foot feet person people leaf leaves mouse mice goose geese half halves knife knives wife wives life lives loaf loaves potato potatoes tomato tomatoes cactus cacti syllabus syllabi/syllabuses analysis analyses diagnosis diagnoses crisis crises There are nouns that do not change their forms, they are always singular sheep sheep fish fish deer deer species species aircraft aircraft And also nouns that do not change their forms, they are always in the plural news athletics linguistics darts billiards trousers jeans glasses Credits: JeFf music: Kiwi