1st LUTE Online Symposium on Urgency and Emergency - SOUELUTE Date and time: October 27th Time: 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm 1st LUTE Online Symposium on Urgency and Emergency - SOUELUTE, is a technical-scientific event aimed at academics from various courses in the health area, as well as for professionals who work with critical patients in Urgency and Emergency. Given the current scenario of the pandemic that we were experiencing, we organized this symposium to disseminate knowledge in the area of Urgency and Emergency, updating the recently released protocols such as: the American Heart Association Guidelines for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation 2020, as well as the modifications imposed for the care of patients who are victims of COVID-19. Our goal is to expand and aggregate knowledge for health academics and health professionals, online, thus providing the opportunity to disseminate content to the largest number of people possible. In this sense, we count on great names in the area of urgency and emergency to give online lectures for those registered for the symposium. Mediators: Jacqueline Leão Cordeiro. Intensive Care and Interventional Nurse. PhD in Nursing from the School of Nursing at UFG. Coordinator of the LUTE League. Professor of the Undergraduate and Postgraduate courses at the School of Nursing at UFG. Panelists (Board of Directors) 5 minutes each: Dr. Karla Prado de Souza Cruvinel (Coordinator of Pre-Hospital Regulation of the State Health Department of Goiás and of the Integrated Emergency Trauma Care System - SIATE; Dr. Danielly Silvestre Bittencourt e Castro (General Director of the Mobile Emergency Care Service of the Municipal Health Department of Aparecida de Goiânia- GO); -Dr. Tony Regis Barbosa Nascimento (Technical Coordinator of the Mobile Emergency Care Service (SAMU) of Goiânia-GO); -Dr. Silvio José de Queiroz (Superintendence of Management of Health Care Networks of the Municipal Health Department of Goiânia-GO); Dr. Claci Fátima Weirich Rosso (Director of the School of Nursing of UFG) TOPIC: CHANGES IN PRE-HOSPITAL CARE IN THE FACE OF COVID-19 Dr. Danielly Silvestre Bittencourt e Castro (Graduated from Salgado de Oliveira University - UNIVERSO; Post-Graduated in Urgency and Emergency from CEEN / PUC; Tutor of the Albert Einstein Realistic Simulation Program; Alternate Counselor of COREN-GO; General Director of the Mobile Emergency Care Service of the Municipal Health Department of Aparecida de Goiânia - GO) Panelists: DAY 10/27/2020 Time: 8:30 pm to 9:30 pm TOPIC: BASIC LIFE SUPPORT AND AIRWAY CLEARANCE Dr. DRA. VIVIANE GOMES DE LACERDA NOLASCO Graduated in Nursing from the Pontifical Catholic University of Goiás; Post-graduate in Urgency and Emergency from CEEN / PUC GO; Interventional nurse at SAMU 192 Goiânia; Has the BLS course; ACLS; PHTLS and ATCN; Professor at PUC-Goiás. Realization: LIGA LUTE, School of Nursing at UFG Support/Partnerships: School of Nursing, Mobile Emergency Care Service (SAMU Goiânia and Centro-Sul), Integrated Emergency Trauma Care System (SIATE) and School of Letters at UFG. Management of the Official UFG Channel: Pablo Lisboa; Ana Paula Vieira; Fabrício Soveral; Marina Sousa; Wesley Menezes Information: The statements expressed by guests who participate in the events and online broadcasts on the Official UFG channel represent exclusively the opinions of their authors and do not necessarily reflect the institutional position of UFG.