In November 2016, David Ruíz @thorcinco embarked on his great sailing trip. For 4 years he sailed west, following the sun. His journey took him through the Antilles, Venezuela, Panama, the South Pacific islands, New Zealand, Vanuatu, Australia, Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia... until the pandemic broke out. He was kicked out of the ports of Eritrea and Somalia, so he was forced to anchor for 4 months off the Egyptian coast in an illegal situation and looking for a way to get supplies. During this uncertain time he experienced sandstorms ????, gales, unexpected friendships and he dived among coral reefs and colorful fish while the whole world was confined at home. You can now watch the talk about this trip, which is part of the IATI Great Travel Days, an event that has been held in Spain since 2013. You can see many more videos of talks from other editions at: ???? https://jornadasgrandesviajes.es/vide... When are the next events? All the information about the Great Travel Days at: ???? https://jornadasgrandesviajes.es/ If you like to travel, don't forget to subscribe and activate the notification bell. Oh! And follow us on our social networks to stay up to date with everything: ???? Instagram: / jornadasgrandesviajes ???? Facebook: / jornadasgrandesviajes ???? Twitter: / jgrandesviajes ???? TikTok: / jornadasgrandesviajes ???? Newsletter: https://jornadasgrandesviajes.es/news... We hope you like this talk, leave us your opinion ⬇️⬇️