[Summary] [Must-see for SGI members] Let's change our prayer attitude starting today! I have summarized Ikeda Sensei's way of praying. Since this is not an official selection, it is a personal work by a Soka Gakkai male member. The English translation is also a personal work, so please excuse any typos. Soka Gakkai HP https://www.sokagakkai.jp/ch/@sokanet_ch Seikyo Shimbun Online Edition https://www.seikyoonline.com/ch/@seikyoshimbun #daimoku #sgi #gongyoo #daisakuikeda #Ikeda Sensei #Soka Gakkai #Ikeda Daisaku #Seikyou Shimbun #Daimoku #Gongyo #nichirendaishonin