Some simple tricks to read the dactylic hexameter in Latin (and also in Greek) without too much difficulty. This is the invaluable site of prof. Giuseppe Frappa, with the section dedicated to metrics http://www.poesialatina.it/_ns/Metric... 00:00 - Introduction with various definitions 02:30 - Generic scheme of the dactylic hexameter 04:16 - Scanning of a verse from the eighth book of Virgil's "Aeneid" (holodactylic) 10:02 - Scanning of the first verse of the "Aeneid" 12:51 - Practical rules for defining the quantity of the syllable 15:40 - Practical rules of logic and prosody 19:30 - Scanning of the second verse of Lucretius' "De rerum natura" 23:13 - Scanning of the eighth verse of Lucretius' "De rerum natura" 26:46 - A 'visit' to the site of Prof. Giuseppe Frappa #metrics #hexameter #francescomariatoscano @FrancescoMariaToscano