The end of November. Winter is coming. But the weather still allows us to work at the dacha. Moreover, we still have a lot to do. Enough for the whole winter :) It's time to treat the garden from pests and diseases. It's already time to do eradication treatment, and finally it's time to plant onions. But this still awaits us in the future. And what about now? If you are interested in getting to know us better; watching how we arrange the dacha practically from scratch and help with advice, if you want; find out how people live in Germany, what they like, how they spend their free time, their life and daily concerns, and in general, what is there with the Germans? Subscribe to our channel, let's chat. #dachaingermany #dachasingermany #rentingdachasingermany #buyingdachasingermany #garden #vegetablegarden #dachaplot #autumnworkatdacha #doityourselfrepairs #vegetablegarden #gardentowndacha #vegetablegardeningermany #gardentown #landscape #raisedbeds #gardencare #fertilizers #feeding #ferroussulphate #moss #lawn #lawncare #getridofmoss