The so-called “Rosary of Saint Michael or Angelic Crown” is little known, even though it was already favored by Pope Pius IX with some indulgences on August 8, 1851. The Crown of Saint Michael the Archangel or also called the Angelic Crown of Saint Michael the Archangel was revealed in Portugal to the Servant of God Antónia de Astónaco, a nun of the Order of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, approximately in the year 1750. The Archangel Saint Michael told the Carmelite nun that he wished to be invoked by reciting nine salutations through which the intercession of Saint Michael and the corresponding celestial choir (corresponding to the nine choirs of Angels) is requested, praying one Our Father and three Hail Marys in each salutation. Indulgences and graces received in this devotion: This devotion spread throughout other countries. Pope Pius IX granted the following indulgences to those who recite the Chaplet: Partial indulgence to those who recite this Chaplet with a contrite heart. Partial indulgence for each day that they wear the Chaplet or kiss the medal of the Holy Angels that hangs from it. Plenary indulgence to those who recite it once a month, on a day of their choosing, truly contrite, having confessed and received communion, praying for the intentions of His Holiness. Plenary indulgence, under the same conditions, on the feasts of the Apparition of St. Michael the Archangel (May 8); the feast of the holy Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael (September 29); and that of the Holy Guardian Angels (October 2). Promises of the Holy Archangel Michael: The glorious Archangel promised that whoever honored him in this way before Holy Communion: He would send a chosen angel from each angelic choir to accompany the devotees to the Holy Table (at the time of Communion). He assures those who recite these nine salutations every day that: They will enjoy his continuous assistance and that of the Holy Angels during this life and also after death. He will free them, their loved ones and their family members from Purgatory. If you want to know more about the Holy Archangels, I invite you to visit: https://www.aciprensa.com/recursos/fi... https://www.corazones.org/santos/migu... I share with you the novena of Saint Michael the Archangel which begins on September 20 and ends on September 28 (one day before his feast day). It is worth mentioning that his novena can be prayed at any time of the year: https://www.devocionario.com/varias/a... I also share with you the novena of the Holy Guardian Angels which begins on September 23 and ends on October 1 (one day before his feast day). It is worth mentioning that their novena can be prayed at any time: https://www.aciprensa.com/recursos/no... The feast of the Holy Archangels (Saint Michael, Saint Gabriel and Saint Raphael) is celebrated on September 29. The feast of the Holy Guardian Angels (Our Guardian Angel) is celebrated on October 2. PRAYER TO SAINT MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL CREATED BY POPE LEO XIII: Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God manifest his power over him, is our humble supplication. And you, oh Prince of the Heavenly Militia, with the power that God has conferred upon you, cast into hell Satan and the other evil spirits who roam the world for the ruin of souls. Amen. To download and print the Crown of Saint Michael the Archangel or Angelic Crown visit: https://www.devocionario.com/pdf/migu... https://www.santisimavirgen.com.ar/co... I also take this opportunity to recommend that you read the treatise on true devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary written by Saint Louis Marie Grignion de Montfort, in which you will discover the great importance of being Marian, since her hand guides us with her most holy son, the Blessed Virgin Mary is the shortest, safest and most perfect way to go to Jesus, Our Lord Jesus Christ came into the world through the Blessed Virgin Mary and through her he must also reign in the world. God the Father gathered all the waters into a place he called the sea and in the same way made a single mass with all his graces and called it Mary. You can see and download the book at the following link: http://www.montfort.org/content/uploa... Let us remember that the saints are role models and intercessors before God Our Lord, God is the one who performs the miracles and graces that we ask of them through them. May Our Lord Jesus Christ bless you, may our mother Saint Mary of Guadalupe protect you and cover you with her Holy Mantle and may Saint Joseph accompany you.