#aquariumglasscutting,#cuttingglass In this video I talk about what kind of glass I use for aquariums, some aspects of glass cutting, maybe it will be useful to someone. I also explain the reasons for the delay in the release of my videos. Other videos: NEON BREEDING FROM A TO Z - • BLUE NEON BREEDING. Where to start... ANCYSTRUS BREEDING - • ANCYSTRUS. MY BREEDING METHOD. FILTRATION IN THE AQUARIUM - • 250 LITRE AQUARIUM. FILTRATION. POST... DISEASES AND TREATMENT OF AQUARIUM FISH - • DISEASES AND TREATMENT OF AQUARIUM FISH. W... You can help the channel here: Privat 4149-4993-4848-7800 Natalia My contacts: https://t.me/aqariumfish https://vk.com/ascherbakov76 https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?...